Ulmia Woodworking Bench
This bench is used for hand tool woodworking.
⚠️ Safety
- The bench itself is less dangerous than the tools you use on it. Use the appropriate gloves, eye protection, and foot protection as required for operations you will be performing.
Assembly & Usage Information
- Vises
- The face vise is on the left of the bench. Use this for holding material off the left side of the bench. The vise holds the right end of the material, your left hand holds the left end of the material, and saw cuts happen in between.
- The tail vise is on the right side of the bench. Use this vise with the bench dogs to hold long flat materials on top of the bench.
- Bench dogs
- There are three bench dogs that fit in the rectangular holes along the length of the top of the bench. Two of the bench dogs fit the main bench, one of the dogs fits in the holes of the tail vice.
- The bench dogs are used to stop material from sliding on top of the bench or to hold objects by pinching the object between two bench dogs – one in the main bench and one in the tail vice.
- Push the bench dog up from below the bench just high enough to be just less than the thickness of the object. Bench dogs are pressure-fit to stay at the adjusted height. If they are too hard to move, please use wax to lubricate the bench dogs.
- Hold fast hole
- The blue metal reinforced hole in the middle of the bench is a hold fast hole. Use the hold fast hole to use a hold fast as a clamp to hold material to the top of the bench.
- Drawers
- There are two drawers: one counterbalanced large drawer on the front and a small sliding drawer behind the tail vise.