OMTech Laser Cutter
The shop has a laser cutting and engraving machine. The model is: AF2440-100 - 100W CO2 Laser Engraver Cutting Machine with 24" x 40" Working Area and Auto Focus
⚠️ Safety
- NEVER cut PVC / Polycarbonate / Lexan. It makes chlorine gas. Not only will it damage the laser, it will also damage YOU.
- You MUST stay with the laser while it is cutting. Do not leave it unattended.
- Always watch the laser begin cutting when sending it a job. Make sure it begins doing what you intended it to do.
- Do NOT open the laser door with the laser key turned to ON.
- Do NOT remove the key from the laser unless it is turned to OFF.
- It safe to press the emergency stop button at any time. Be ready to press it if you ever become unsure of the tool’s behavior.
- This tool can start fires inside of it. In the event of fire, press the emergency stop button. If the fire continues, smother it with the fire blanket at the corner of Joe’s workdesk and the wood shop. Use the fire extinguisher as a last resort.
- You MUST be trained on the laser before using it. If possible, also have experienced other members present for the first few times you use the tool.
Operation guide
- Turn on the water cooler to the left of the laser.
- Turn on the laser with the main power button.
- Open the laser door
- Place your materials inside
- Press the Fn key to enter Z move mode
- Use the laser focus piece (on the keychains) as a reference between your material and the laser head, while pressing Left/Right on the keypad to calibrate the laser focal point.
- Close the laser door
- (optional) Send your job to the laser, and watch it do a dry run to confirm it behaves as you expect.
- Insert the key and enable the laser by turning the key to ON.
- Send your job to the laser
- Watch the laser! Do NOT leave it unattended.
- Disengage the laser by turning the key to OFF.
- Let the piece ventilate until no fumes and smoke are visible.
- Open the laser door and remove your piece.
- Turn off the laser.
- Turn off the water cooler.
- Return the key to where you found it (Brad and Gabe’s areas each have one).
- Download a copy of Lightburn (For CO2 Laser) from the OMTech website.
- You will need to purchase a Lightburn license key individually to continue using the laser.
- The laser is configured as a Ruida device, manually, using its Ethernet connection. Its IP address is
- The laser’s origin (0, 0) is in the upper right (rear right).
- The laser’s bed dimensions are 1000mm x 600mm (W x H).
- Set Lightburn’s Start From to Absolute Coordinates so the device head does not need to be reset for each job.
Approved materials
- MDF (medium density fiberboard)
- Plywood (thicker than 1/4" will be difficult to cut through)
- Acrylic plastic
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Leather (only uncoated real leather! No vinyl, no coated leather)
- Stainless steel and aluminum (with Cermark laser etching spray)
Extra materials?
Any scrap material near the laser is available for use in projects. Laser cuttable MDF, wood or acrylic can be stored with the wood but please mark it with your name or it may be used.
Generally, bring your own, or make sure to ask others when using their materials.
Power settings
Refer to the test cut pieces near the laser area for power settings. Generally, use the following procedure to determine the settings:
- Find a test cut piece that is close to your material.
- Experiment with those settings on a throwaway piece of your material. Monitor closely!
- If in doubt, use less power with more passes, or simply repeat the job until you achieve the desired results.
Example files
OMTech provides a Material Test Card Lightburn file which can be used to run a test cut on your material.