Brooklyn Industrial Arts

Shop Rules

For the purposes of this document, the shop is the common space by the window, separated by the meat locker curtains.

Tool Use

Power tools in the shop are available for any authorized person to use. Do not leave your own tools in the workshop if you would be mad if someone else used them.

Tools are classified into three tiers:

Tool Manuals

Tool Maintenance

Please report issues with tools to the Shop Manager and the tool owner as soon as possible. If there is a safety concern, lock out the tool (unplug and tape a sign over the power switch).

The shop manager is responsible for monitoring the consumables and condition of tools in the shop, and will replace consumables at their discretion from the shop budget (pursuant to the rules in the operating agreement). If problems are found with a tool, the shop manager will ask the tool owner before taking repair actions, and may lock out the tool until it has been repaired.

Projects Left in the Shop

Users should take care to leave the shop in a useful state. If you must leave a project in the shop, it’s best to communicate this via appropriate channels so that others can continue to use the shop, and so that if others need to move your project, they can do so safely. The appropriate channels are as follows:

Projects left in the shop should be treated with care and respect. Before moving a project, check the channels above for instructions and contact the owner.

Trash and Scrap

We don’t want to become timber hoarders, but we are frugal people who abhor waste. Feel free to make use of anything in the scrap bin or drum, and anything in the vertical stock storage if it is not labelled (though if it’s nice, or if you think you know whose it is, ask before you cut it up.)

We maintain the following waste streams:

Clean Wood Scrap

Each month, the bin and drum will be sorted for better quality scraps. Those which do not make the cut will be sent to a farm upstate where they can run free (in a fire).

Composite Scraps

Composites include plywood, MDF, plastic, etc.; anything you wouldn’t burn or recycle.

Each month, the bin and drum will be sorted for better quality scraps. Those which do not make the cut will be sent to the landfill.


Garbage should be placed in black or brown garbage cans, located in the shop or kitchen. Food waste should be placed in the red fireproof mouseproof cans.

Please take out garbage whenever it is full.

Cardboard Recycling

All cardboard must be flattened and placed under the kitchen table. Paper, unfortunately, must go in the garbage.

Aluminum Recycling

Aluminum cans go in the blue bin in the kitchen. When full, Gabe takes these home and leaves them for the can collectors.

Wood Finishes, Paint, Glue, Etc


⚠️ Safety